Excercise 1 – Modelling

Deadline: March 8th, 12:00 
Read pages 9 to 29 in the Precision Modelling Tutorial. 
Hand in two models and a description.

Read/go trough pages 9 to 29 in the Precision Modelling Tutorial. The tutorial is based on an older version of Blender, but at this stage most of the tools look and behave the same. Upload two models/.blend files to the server (schmitt-server.ethz.ch/schmitt-stud/Public Projections/exercises/your-name-folder/excercise1-folder/) and a text file describing the most exciting parts about what you have learned and/or what are the pros and cons of modeling with Blender (based on what you know about it so far). If you are completely new to modelling, you might want to start with some models that are considered as beginner models on the Blender website http://www.blender.org/education-help/tutorials/modeling/.

Deadline: March 8th, 12:00

The model for the image above can be downloaded at here or here. (don’t become desperate if you want to move the camera; it has a TrackTo constraint)