In The Media

Projected Realities – Spring 2010

The goal of the course was to explore the possibilities of projected illusions. Visual illusions are investigated since Renaissance and gained interest lately with projections that make it possible to animate these illusions and/or even allow interaction with pedestrians.

City Engine CO2 Calculation

The City Engine’s report tool is used to calculate the CO2 consumption of a procedural building, based on size and kind of activities.

Zurich CO2 Consumption

Visualization of Zurich’s energy consumption, CO2 production, combined with the size of the buildings.

Visualize Urban Comlexity

Student works in an elective course in spring 2009 at the Chair for Information Architecture at the ETH Zurich. Basic Programming, Visualize Data, Impress. Statistical data was provided by the city of Zurich.


10vor10 vom 07.01.2011

The program 10vor10 has been featuring a series of broadcasts on mega cities. Researchers are bringing forward their knowledge and visions of the future of large cities north and south of the equator. ETH Zurich is collaborating with NUS, MIT and Berkeley University in Singapore to make fast growing cities more sustainable. This was shown at the ETH Zurich Value Lab.

Materialize Information – Summer School 2009

In summer 2009 around 20 students participated on several modules during two weeks. One of the modules was called “Materialize Information”, a opportunity for the students to learn Rhino, create 3D models by script, and transform the digital data to a real model. This was made at Raplab . Digital Fabrication is fun…